Tuesday 11 October 2016

In a Sea of Strangers

A tribute to Peyton Sawyer
She brushed past the never ending strangers,
the same figures with their shiny suits
and leather bags.
Submerged with unfamiliarity,
she tries to find solace.
In the boy who has lost his mother
or the girl whose parents are fighting.
She really tries.
But in sea of soulless lives, 
and heartless chests.
How can she?

Breathe in and out.
She can do this.
She pretends that you are there
at the end of the street.
A pair of blue orbs and ruffled hair waiting.

She arrives but she is lonely.
Somewhere along the line,
she lost her way.
But the helping hands catching her when she falls,
they are not you.

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